Bratski klubovi / Club affiliates

Ovo je popis klubova s kojima KAN Zapruđe ima pozitvinu suradnju i
prijateljski odnos.KAN Zapruđe je ponosno što je povezano sa drugim
uspješnim klubovima lokalno i internacionalno. Uvjek ste dobrodošli u
Zagrebu kao gost svog bratskog kluba KAN Zapruđe.

This is a list of clubs with whom KAN Zapruđe have a positive and
friendly relation.KAN Zapruđe is proud to be associated with other
successful clubs both locally and international. You are always
welcome in Zagreb as a guest of yours brother club KAN Zapruđe.

GWS Giants

The Greater Western Sydney Football Club ili jednostavno Giantsi su klub australskog nogometa osnovan u Blacktownu. Giantsi su prilično mlad klub koji je licencu za igranje u australskoj football ligi (AFL) dobio tek prije dvije godine, a sezona 2012. je prva u kojoj se i službeno natječu. Od ove sezone krenula je i naša suradnja sa ovim klubom te su nam već u startu uvelike pomogli slanjem garniture svojih dresova. Ovim putem želimo im se na tome i službeno zahvaliti, te se nadamo se da je ovo samo početak duge i uspješne suradnje između naših klubova. GWS Giantsima želimo puno uspjeha i dobrih utakmica u njihovoj premijernoj sezoni.

The Greater Western Sydney Football Club, nicknamed the Giants, is an Australian rules football club based in Blacktown. GWS Giants is a young club that was awarded with AFL licence only two years ago and season 2012. is it's first official season. This year was also the beginning of our cooperation with GWS Giants and hereby we would like to thank them for donating their set of jerseys to us, hoping that this is just a beginning of a long and successful cooperation between our clubs. We wish to GWS Giants lots of great games and success in their premiere season.

West Coast Cowan Amateur Football Club is dedicated to growing the
great game of Australian Rules Football in the City Beach Area of
Western Australia whilst also contributing to the surrounding
community. The club is one of the most highly decorated clubs in the
WAAFL competition.We are grateful to WC Cowan for donating footys to our club in first days of  founding of KAN Zapruđe.
Special Thanks to Dean Kennedy, we will never forget your help!

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